yFoxChart using foxchart VFP class

Published on by Yousfi Benameur

FoxChart a pure VFP chart class

The original class of foxchart is in vfpx codeplex and can be downloaded from this site.The author of this admirable work is Cesar Schalom (Brazil).

I worked on this class on year 2009 and I joigned the old version i used of this class to the download zip.
This download contains all the files needed to run the application as i tested it with the current versions of :
-System.app (gdiplusX)
-Foxchart class source
It contains also the exe file generated in vfp9SP2.You can generate yours with the project include.
The code implement an instance of the class and run a form with all commands only in a contextuel menu.
This menu drives all process of the foxchart class visually .
Maybe with the various mehods and properties of this class i forget somethings.i
for more,read the menu item "information" before start .

link to download:

added a code *2* for working with MSchart.ocx (pie chart)


This page was last updated on : lundi 23 février 2015; 01:40:49


the download page of recent stable versions of foxchart in codeplex is:


can adapt with some works this application to newest updated classes.

yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class

Click on code to select [then copy] -click outside to deselect

*2* draw a pie chart of MSChart activeX
*added on Thursday 10 march 2016

Publi yform
Read Events
Define Class ychart As Form
    Height = 650
	Width = 900
	ShowWindow = 2
	AutoCenter = .T.
	Caption = "MSChart"
	Name = "Form1"

	Add Object simplechart1 As simplechart With ;
		Top = 0, ;
		Left = 0, ;
		Height = 528, ;
		Width = 876, ;
		Anchor = 15, ;
		Name = "Simplechart1"

	Add Object combo1 As ComboBox With ;
		FontSize = 10, ;
		Anchor = 768, ;
		Height = 25, ;
		Left = 204, ;
		Top = 549, ;
		Width = 136, ;
		Name = "Combo1"

	Add Object command1 As CommandButton With ;
		Top = 549, ;
		Left = 360, ;
		Height = 25, ;
		Width = 97, ;
		FontBold = .T., ;
		FontSize = 10, ;
		Anchor = 768, ;
		Caption = "Capture chart", ;
		BackColor = Rgb(128,255,0), ;
		Name = "Command1"

	Procedure Init

	With Thisform.simplechart1
		.cTitle="My 2d Pie chart title here"
		.cFootnote="2015 results (here the footer)"
*additional properties to set for 2dPie chart
		.chartType=14  &&2Dpie
		.Seriestype=24   &&2dPie



	Procedure Load  &&create your cursor embedding data here (or select... from a physical table)
	Create Cursor ycurs (c1 N(10,2),c2 N(10,2),c3 N(10,2),c4 N(10,2),c5 N(10,2),c6 N(10,2),c7 N(10,2),c8 N(10,2),c9 N(10,2),c10 N(10,2),c11 N(10,2),c12 N(10,2))
	Insert Into ycurs Values(50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand(),50000*Rand())
	Sele ycurs

	Procedure combo1.InteractiveChange
	#Define VtChLabelComponentValue 1 && The value of the data point appears in the label.
	#Define VtChLabelComponentPercent 2 && The value of the data point is displayed in the label as a percentage of the total value of the series.
	#Define VtChLabelLocationTypeInside 5 && Label Location - Inside pie or doughnut
	#Define VtChLabelLocationTypeOutside  6 && Label Location - Outside pie or doughnut
*write data on chart
	Do Case
	Case This.Value=1
		For Each obj In Thisform.simplechart1.Plot.SeriesCollection
			With obj.Datapoints.Item(-1).DatapointLabel
				.Component = VtChLabelComponentValue   &&show values
				.LocationType = VtChLabelLocationTypeInside && Inside pie slice

	Case This.Value=2
		For Each obj In Thisform.simplechart1.Plot.SeriesCollection
			With obj.Datapoints.Item(-1).DatapointLabel
				.Component = VtChLabelComponentPercent  && Show as percent
				.LocationType = VtChLabelLocationTypeInside && Inside pie slice
				.PercentFormat = '0%'
	Wait Window "Adjust dimensions chart by resizing form" Timeout 1

	Procedure combo1.Init
	With This
		.AddItem("Values on 2dPie")
		.AddItem("% on 2dPie")

	Procedure command1.Click  &&capture chart as image in MSPAINt (can save as png,jpg,bmp,gif.....)
	Run/N "mspaint"

	Procedure Destroy
	Dele File Addbs(Sys(2023))+"ytemp.txt"  &&clean
	Clea Events

*-- EndDefine: ychart

*this is the class charts.vcx as prg below
*if you uncomment the 2 lines at the top (set classlib to ..), this is not needed.charts.vcx then must be in source folder
*if want to have 1 prg, then use this code below as class)
*SimpleChart class. Written by Mike Lewis (Mike Lewis Consultants class Ltd.), February - March 2002.  as vcx/vct
*converted as flat text class

Define Class simplechart As OleControl
	Height = 246
	Width = 274
	Visible = .F.
*-- Alias of cursor or open table which contains the data for the chart
	cAlias = ""
*-- Comma-separated list of the fields within the cursor which contain the data for the columns of the chart
	cData = ""
*-- Comma-separated list of column labels; used for legend (if any)
	cLabels = ""
*-- Name of field within the cursor which holds the row labels.
	crowlabels = ""
*-- Comma-separated list of names of colours to use for bars or lines (e.g. Red, Blue, White)
	ccolours = ""
*-- Chart's main title
	cTitle = ""
*-- Text of chart's footnote
	cFootnote = ""
	Name = "simplechart"

*-- Says whether to ignore any zero data points
	lignorezero = .F.

*-- Says whether to show markers in the chart
	lshowmarkers = .F.

*-- Call this to create or update the chart, using data from the cursor
	Procedure createChart
* This does all the work needed to create or update the chart.
* It uses data from a cursor or an open table whose alias is stored
* in the cAlias property.

* To create a chart, follow these steps:
*   - Fill a cursor or table with the data to be graphed.
*   - Set cAlias to the alias of this cursor or table
*   - In cData, place a comma-delimited list of the fields from the
*        cursor whose values you want to plot (these must be numeric)
*   - In cRowLabels, store the name of the field from the cursor
*        which contains the row labels (if any).
*   -  In cLabels, store a comma-delimited list of the labels to be used
*      for the legend; these must correspond one-to-one with the field names
*      in cData.
*   - Set other properties as necessary.
*   - Call this method.
* For further information, see the Documentation method.

* The method performs simple error-checking, and returns .F. if the cAlias
* or cData properties are invalid

	Local lnFieldCount, lnCol, lnRow, lnLabCount, lnItem, lnI
	Local lcColStr, lcColVal, lcRed, lcGreen, lcBlue
	Local lnColIndex, lnColsToSet, lnRed, lnBlue, lnGreen

	With This

* Keep the chart invisible while it is being constructed
		.Visible = .F.

* Preliminary error-checking. If any of these checks fails,
* just exit without doing anything

* Check presence of cursor
		If Empty(.cAlias) Or Not Used(.cAlias)
			Return .F.

		Select (.cAlias)

* Check that the list of data fields is present
		If Empty(.cData)
			Return .F.

		lnFieldCount = Alines(laData,Strtran(.cData,",",Chr(13)))
&& the above line will fill an array with names of the fields
&& to be plotted; lnFieldCount will hold the number of fields

		If lnFieldCount = 0
			Return .F.

		.ColumnCount = lnFieldCount
		.rowCount = 0

* scan the cursor, filling the data points as we go
		Count For Not Deleted() To .rowCount
		lnRow = 1
		Scan For Not Deleted()

			.Row = lnRow

* Fill data points for this record
			For lnCol = 1 To lnFieldCount
				.Column = lnCol
				lnItem = Evaluate(laData(lnCol))
				If lnItem>0 Or Not .lignorezero
					.Data = lnItem

* Fill the row label for this record
			If Not Empty(.crowlabels)
				.rowLabel = Evaluate(.crowlabels)

			lnRow = lnRow+1


* Set the legend captions
		If Not Empty(.cLabels)
* Unpack the labels
			lnLabCount = Alines(laLabs,Strtran(.cLabels,",",Chr(13)))
&& This will fill the laLabs array with the labels

			For lnCol = 1 To lnFieldCount
				If lnCol <= lnLabCount
					.Column = lnCol
					.columnLabel = laLabs(lnCol)

* Show markers (if required)
		For lnI = 1 To .ColumnCount
			.Plot.SeriesCollection(lnI).SeriesMarker.Show = .lshowmarkers

* Deal with colours
		If Not Empty(.ccolours)

* Create arrays containing the colour names and corresponding values
			lcColStr = "red,  green, blue,    black, white,   grey,   gray,   yellow, brown, magenta, cyan,     darkblue, darkgreen"
			lcColVal =  "255, 65280, 16711680,0,     16777215,8421504,8421504,65535,  128,   16711935,16776960, 8388608,  32768"
&& the above are 24-bit integer values, and are included for reference only
			lcRed =     "255, 0,     0,       0,      255,   128,     128,    255,    128,    255,    0,        0,        0"
			lcGreen =   "0,   255,   0,       0,      255,   128,     128,    255,    128,    0,      255,      0,        128"
			lcBlue   =  "0,   0,     255,     0,      255,   128,     128,    0,      0,      255,    255,      128,      0"
&& ALINES() only valid in VFP 6.0 and above

* Put the list of required colours into an array
			.ccolours = Lower(.ccolours)
			lnColsToSet = Alines(laReqCols,Strtran(.ccolours,",",Chr(13)),.T.)

			lnColsToSet = Min(lnColsToSet,.ColumnCount)
&& We need to process the number of colours passed, or the number of
&& columns in the chart, whichever is lower

* Loop through the columns, setting the colours as required
			For lnI = 1 To lnColsToSet

* Locate this column's required colour in the colour name array
				lnColIndex = Ascan(lacolStr,laReqCols(lnI))

				If lnColIndex > 0

* Determine the red, green and blue elements
					lnRed = Val(laRed(lnColIndex))
					lnGreen = Val(laGreen(lnColIndex))
					lnBlue = Val(laBlue(lnColIndex))

* Set the bar's colours

* Set colours for line series


* Deal with title and footnote
		If Not Empty(.cTitle)
			.Title.Text = .cTitle
			.Title.VtFont.Name = "Arial"
			.Title.VtFont.Size = 12
			.Title.VtFont.Style = 1  && bold

		If Not Empty(.cFootnote)
			.Footnote.Text = .cFootnote

* Make the chart visible
		.Visible = .T.


	Return .T.

*-- Read this to learn how to use this class.
	Procedure documentation
* Documentation for the class. Not intended to be executed.


*-- EndDefine: simplechart

Define Class yhelp As Label
	AutoSize = .T.
	FontSize = 18
	Anchor = 768
	BackStyle = 0
	Caption = "?"
	Height = 30
	Left = 468
	MousePointer = 15
	Top = 544
	Width = 15
	ForeColor = Rgb(0,255,0)
	Name = "Label1"

	Procedure Click
	TEXT to m.myvar textmerge noshow
	*SimpleChart class. Written by Mike Lewis (Mike Lewis Consultants *
	*Ltd.), February - March 2002.                                    *

	Copyright Mike Lewis Consultants Ltd. All rights Reserved.
	Feel Free To Use This Class In Any way you Like, but please
	Do Not Remove our Copyright notice Or the following disclaimer:

	Although we have tested This Class thoroughly, we cannot Accept
	Any legal liability For its Use. Do Not Use This Class unless you
	are satisfied that it works correctly In your Application.

	we welcome your feedback. please email Mike Lewis At mikl@compuserve.com
	Or see www.ml-consult.co.uk

	What does it Do?

	the SimpleChart Class produces two- And three-dimensional charts
	And graphs, using Data From a Visual FoxPro Table Or Cursor.

	What Do I need?

	the Class Is based On Microsoft's MSChart ActiveX control
	(MSChrt20.Ocx), which comes With VFP 6.0 And 7.0. To Use the
	Class, you will need the ActiveX Control To be installed On your
	own computer. To distribute applications which Use the Class,
	you will need To ensure that the Ocx File Is present And
	properly registered On the End-User's computer.

	How Do I Use it?

	the First Step Is To provide a Table Or Cursor which contains
	the Data required For your chart. Then Drop the Class On a VFP
	Form, Set certain properties, And Finally Call its CreateChart

	the Cursor

	the chart Is Always populated With Data From a Cursor (Or
	Table). you can Use an existing Cursor If it already contains
	the required Data, Or you can Create one specifically For This

	the Cursor must have the following characteristics:

	- a Record For Each Data Point On the chart.

	- a Field For Each Of the series On the chart. These Fields must
	be numeric.

	- Optionally, a Field containing the Row Label For the Current
	Record. This Field must be a Character String.

	As an example, suppose you wanted To plot monthly sales Value
	And monthly sales quantity For the Year To Date. your Cursor might Look
	something Like This:

	JAN             4000             32
	FEB             4020             33
	MAR             4090             36
	APR             4070             34

	This will produce a chart With two LineS And four
	Data points. the horizotal axis will Show the four Month names
	As labels.

	Minimum properties

	Once you have dropped the SimpleChart Control onto a VFP Form,
	you must Set certain properties. you can Do This either In the
	Form Designer Or In Code (For example, In the Control's Init

	the following are the Key properties that you must Set:

	cAlias    the Alias Of the Cursor (Or Table) containing the
	Data To be plotted.

	cData     a Comma-Delimited List Of the Fields within the
	cusor which Contain the actual Data.

	In addition, you will probably want To Set one Or both Of the
	following properties:

	cRowLabels     the Name Of the Field within the Cursor
	containing the Row labels (These will appear
	along the x-axis).

	cLabels   a Comma-Delimited List Of the labels that are To
	appear In the legend (If Any).

	To Continue With the above example, the following Code sets the
	required properties:

	With This
		.cAlias = "csrSales"
		.cData = "sales_val,sales_qty"
		.cRowLabels = "month_name"
		.cLabels = "Value,Quantity"

	Other properties

		the above properties are the Only ones needed To Create a
		Default chart. However, the Class also exposes many Other
		properties that can be Used To customise the chart In various
		ways. Some Of the more important Of These are listed below.

		the folowing are Native properties Of the MSChart Control
		(further Details can be Found In the Help File For the Control).

		BorderStyle    the Border For the entire chart (0 = no
		Border, 1 = Single Line; Default 0).

		ChartType      0=3D Bar, 1=2D Bar, 2=3D Line, 3=2D Line,
		4=3D area, 5=2D area, 6=3D Step, 7=2D Step,
		And several others (Default 3).

		ShowLegend     .T. To Show a legend (Default .F.).

		And These are Custom properties that you might wish To Use:

		cColours		a Comma-Delimited List Of the colours To be Use
		For the chart. the following colours are supported:
		red, green, blue, black, white, grey, gray, yellow,
		brown, magenta, cyan, darkblue, darkgreen
		For example, If the chart has three series, the following
		Code will Set These To blue, white And yellow
		This.cColours = "BLUE,WHITE,YELLOW"
		(These are Not Case-sensitive)

		cFootnote		Text Of a small Title which appears At the Bottom
		Of the chart

		cTitle			Text Of a Main Title For the chart; This appears
		centred At the Top Of the chart
		lIgnoreZero  	If .T., Any zero Values In the Data will Not
		be plotted. (Default .F.).

		lShowMarkers	If T., Data points will be highlighted By Special symbols.
		(Default .F.)

		Creating the chart

		Once you have Set the required properties, Call the Control's
		CreateChart Method. This will Read the Cursor, populate the
		chart With Data, And Display the chart. the Cursor must be Open
		When you Call This Method.

		Things that can Go wrong
		 		If the CreateChart Method Is unable To Create the chart, it
					will Return .F. And the chart will Not appear. If This happens,
					you should Check the following:

					-    the Cursor Or Table containing the Data must be Open, And
					its Alias stored In the cAlias property.

					-    the cData property must Contain the Name Of At least one Of
					the (numeric) Fields From the Cursor.


	Local m.lcdest
	Run/N notepad &lcdest     &&can use modi file (lcdest) noedit nomenu


yFoxChart using foxchart  VFP class
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