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html5 canvas

10 javascript gauges drived from VFP

10 javascript gauges drived from VFP

This is a set of 10 javascripts tests of javascript gauges from https://github.com/Mikhus/canvas-gauges. its licencied under MIT (read the Github project). the codes are gathered in a vfp cursor and the form can rotates all the gauges contained. each...

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Build your custom canvas clock

Build your custom canvas clock

this is clock i have already pointed in html5 canvas examples. the canvas is a surface drawing as gdiplus or gdiplusX provide, but its available on a web navigator.all librairies are built in navigator. Of course canvas is the speciality of javascript...

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Yet another gradients samples

Yet another gradients samples

Click on code to select [then copy] -click outside to deselect *1* *i use this sample to build some gradient based images. *this code draws with vfp native functions 10 random gradients (case choose in the spinner simple gradients or buttons type gradients)...

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